It is not enough to have a balanced diet, a balanced mood and wellbeing is also important and can be protected by ensuring that our diet provides adequate amounts of essential fats, amino acid, vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates and water.

- Folate, folic acid- folate is essential for pregnant women but we all need folic acid. Leafy green like spinach, fruits, nuts, beans and whole grain have high amount of folate and folic acid.
- Vitamin D- heart disease and increased risk of heart attack is associated with a deficiency in vitamin D. Milk, orange juice, salmon and breakfast cereals are good sources of vitamin D. our bodies however, produce vitamin D as a result of being in the sun.
- Omega 3- this acid is helpful in the treatment of depression and helps to stabilize mood. Asides this, it is important in reducing inflammation which is the primary cause of arthritis and asthma. Walnut, sardine mackerel and dark green leafy vegetables are good sources of this acid
- Yogurt with active culture- contains healthy bacteria which reduces anxiety and stress. Eating too much processed food may affect the delicate balance of healthy and unhealthy bacteria in the gut.
- Lean protein- the amino acid tryptophan, a building block of protein, influences mood by producing neurotransmitter, serotine. Fish, turkey, chicken eggs, and beans helps keep the serotine level balanced.

- Eat fewer high sugar foods and more whole grain cereals, nuts, beans, fruits and vegetable. Whole grain cereals are more filling and do not cause mood swings. They contain thiamin B1 associated with mood control. Folate, zinc which is shown to improve the mood of people with depression.
- Avoid sugary drinks as they have empty calories and affect the enamel of the tooth. Drinks with caffeine can trigger panic attack. It is advisable to take at least 8 cups of water daily because dehydration can cause fatigue, difficult concentration and mood change.
- Do not skip breakfast as this can cause a feeling of brain fog. Finding it hard to eat in the morning? You could grab a glass of yogurt to start off your day.
- Avoid too much dairy diet. Instead eat a diet that relies on fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grain and fish.
Having stayed with my grandparents till they got to the ripe age 124, I couldn’t help but notice the reduction the reduction in the quality of food we have in recent times.
Food production and manufacturing technology coupled with changing life style and increased access to processed food has made intake of fresh nutritious, local food lower and intake of fat, sugar, alcohol and additive much higher.
Take care of your mind as much as you take care of your guts. STAY HEALTHY!!
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