Do you know that cucumber have 96% water content? Asides enjoying cucumbers in salads, sandwiches or as a smoothie, whatelse can you do with cucumber? Cucumbers help keep the body hydrated due to its high water content. It is an excellent choice for a weight loss diet due to is low calorie content. Let us learn how cucumbers help maintain our bodies.
Hair Benefit
- It reduces hair fall; drink cucumber juice always. Apply it on your hair and scalp and wash off with shampoo after an hour.
- It gives hair a shiny glow; use cucumber juice to rinse your hair.
Health Benefit
- Aids digestion; include it in your daily diet.
- It helps prevent cancer; dont discard the seeds... eat as you go
- It cures hangover; eat a few slices
- It detoxifies your body; eat a few slices daily
- It aids weight loss; include it in your daily diet
- Beneficial for the treatment of blood presure issues; make into a smoothie and drink
- strenghtens your bones; eat as you go
- It is good for your dental health; eat daily
- It reduces inflammation; eat a few slices
- It relieves constipation; eat a few slices
Skin Benefit
- It helps control puffiness of the eyes; place two slices of cucumber on you eyes and let them stay as long as you want.
- It reduces dark circles; place two slices of cucumber on your eyes and allow for 20mins
- It reduces eyes wrinkles; place cold pureed cucumber around your eyes for as long as you want.
- If allergies occur around the oral cavity; swelling or itching. Do well to cook your cucumber before eating.
- Too much comsumption of cucumber may lead to baldness.
alway buy fresh cucumbers: it is usually light or dark green. aviod buying cucumbers that have spots or are yellow in colour. it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. if already peeled it should be stored inan airtight container. it is however advisable to eat cucumbers within two or three days of purchasing.
enjoy the many benefits of this wonderful crunchy fruit and live a healthy life.
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